Legal notice - Resilience Skill Skip to content

legal information

The website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") is the property of Dioxyjen Graphic.

1- Publisher

Resilience Skill
A trademark of EURL Dioxyjen Graphic      

Specialized design activities
Head office: 3 Le recredy 85170 Bellevigny
Siret: 83433987100016
Email : click here


2- Publishing Director

Ms Jennifer Vial

3- Site host

The Site is hosted by DIOXYJEN GRAPHIC.

Address: 3 Le Recredy, 85170 Bellevigny

4- Site design and production

The Site was designed and produced by Dioxyjen Graphic.

5- Intellectual property

The presentation and content of the Site constitute works protected by French and international legislation relating to intellectual property. Protectable substantive elements such as texts, photographs, data, graphics, videos, images... as well as elements of form (choice, plan, arrangement of materials, organization of data...) are the property of Jennifer Vial under copyright and the right of the producer of the database.

By virtue of this ownership, Dioxyjen Graphic may exploit these various elements alone or with the agreement of the rights holders, worldwide.

Consequently, no reproduction or representation, whether partial or total, on any medium whatsoever, may be made without the prior consent of Dioxyjen Graphic pursuant to Articles L.122-4 and L.342-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Exceptions for private use

In accordance with article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code, the works presented on the Site may only be used privately and non-exclusively by any user of the Site. This means that you have the right to reproduce for storage on a single-user computer for the purposes of representation on a single screen and reproduction, in a single copy for back-up or printing on paper. You may make paper reproductions insofar as they fall within the scope of private copying for non-collective use.


Dioxyjen Graphic, as author and producer of the database constituting the Site, is the owner of all rights inherent in the database.

Thus, in accordance with Articles L.342-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, Dioxyjen Graphic prohibits the extraction by permanent or temporary transfer to any medium, by any means, and in any form whatsoever of all or a substantial part of the content of the Site, unless these operations are carried out for purely private or educational purposes.


Failure to comply with the above rules will, unless Dioxyjen Graphic's prior and express agreement is obtained, result in a violation of intellectual property rights.

Such infringement may be either copyright infringement, database producer infringement, or both. It constitutes one or more acts of counterfeiting punishable under articles L.335-2 and L.342-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Prohibited operations

Any total or partial commercialization of the original presentation of the Site and/or its content, to third parties and in any form whatsoever, is strictly forbidden. It is expressly forbidden to make Site elements available to the public by sale, exchange or hire (audio, video, graphic or textual elements).

Violation of these mandatory provisions exposes the offender to the civil and criminal penalties provided for by law.

Brands and logos

Trademarks and logos are the property of Dioxyjen Graphic and Jennifer Vial.

Any reproduction and/or use without the prior agreement of Dioxyjen Graphic would engage the responsibility of the user and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by the penalties provided for in articles L.335-2, L.713-2, L.713-3 and L.716-1 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Violation of these mandatory provisions exposes the offender to the civil and criminal penalties provided for by law.

6- Hypertext links

The Site may contain links to third-party websites.

Clicking on one of these links will automatically direct the Site user to these sites, which are subject to their own terms of use and not to these terms of use.

It is your responsibility to read the terms of use of each website to which you have been redirected before proceeding, to ensure that you only use sites whose content and rules of use have been accepted.

Dioxyjen Graphic has no control over these other third-party sites, and cannot under any circumstances monitor their content or conditions of use, particularly in terms of respect for privacy and compliance with regulations applicable to the processing of personal data. Dioxyjen Graphic may not under any circumstances be held liable for any damage suffered on a site to which one of its users may have been redirected. Any link to the Site from a third-party site is prohibited in the absence of prior authorization from Dioxyjen Graphic, which reserves the right to take legal action against any offender. Dioxyjen Graphic declines all responsibility concerning any link present on an external site and referring to the Site. In addition, Dioxyjen Graphic may in no case be presumed to be associated with any content present on this third-party site by the mere existence of this hyperlink.

7- Responsibilities

In order to allow all users to access and use the Site under the best possible conditions, Dioxyjen Graphic may at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Site;
  • restrict access to the Site, or to certain parts of the Site, to all or some of its users;
  • remove any information and/or content and/or functionality that may disrupt its operation or be contrary to national or international laws and regulations;
  • suspend access to the Site in order to carry out updates.

Dioxyjen Graphic may not be held liable in the event of failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation preventing access to the Site or any of its functionalities. Dioxyjen Graphic reserves the right to modify information at any time, in particular by updating the Site.

Dioxyjen Graphic cannot be held responsible in the event of legal proceedings against the user:

  • the use of the Site or any service accessible via the Site;
  • due to non-compliance with the present legal notice and Terms of Use.

The information contained in the Site is provided in good faith and to the best of Dioxyjen Graphic's knowledge. Dioxyjen Graphic makes every effort to ensure, to the best of its ability, that the information published on the Site is accurate and up-to-date. Dioxyjen Graphic reserves the right to correct the content of the Site at any time and without prior notice.


However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on the Site, nor that the Site will not be interrupted, disrupted or error-free.


Dioxyjen Graphic will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, linked to the use of the Site, and in particular the deterioration of your computer equipment caused by a computer virus, the loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible assets that may arise as a result of anyone's access to the Site or the impossibility of accessing it or linked to the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the Site.

8- Applicable law

The present Legal Notice and Terms of Use are governed by French law.

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